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KRCLFS-002 LifeSongs CD - Solo Piano Tim Kucij - Solo Piano CD
You can sample this music on our You Tube page where you will find photo shows with music from Tim M. Kucij.

KRCLFS-002 LifeSongs CD - Solo Piano

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$ 15.00

Tim Kucij - Solo Piano CD You can sample this music on our You Tube page where you will find photo shows with music from Tim M. Kucij.

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Celebrate life and its many emotions in LifeSongs.  This CD is an eclectic mix of mostly original pieces ranging from ballads like Remembrance and 
Purity to the bluesy boogie Dazzling Fingers.   Also included is the peppy confection The Happy Whistler, rags like The Bicentennial Rag and more classical pieces such as Images.  Uniquely Tim Kucij, the music is refreshing and diverse.  The more you listen, the more you will like these timeless modern classics.

1.  Where Do I Begin
2.  Compassion
3.  Remembrance
4.  A Familiar Song
5.  Jesus Loves Me
6.  Lament
7.  Paulina
8.  A Little Jingle
9.  The Happy Whistler
10.  The Little Toy March
11.  A Time for Us
12.  Purity
13.  Images
14.  The Pulsar Rag
15.  The Bicentennial Rag
16.  The Bumble Boogie
17.  Dazzling Fingers
18.  Afterthought

Click Photos to Enlarge Images.

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